Tomorrow is my birthday. It’s not a big one. I’m 48. The birthday blues started setting in 2 days ago. I really have no idea why, except that Satan hates rejoicing. I am not sad about getting older. I feel the happiest and healthiest I ever have. I have great friends and kids and I’m married to my favorite person in the world. Many of “my people” have extended invitations to celebrate me with a dinner or lunch or party and I have turned everyone down. I’m not being self-deprecating and I’m definitely not unselfish. I’m just uncomfortable celebrating me.
Honestly, literally…. My ears are bright red and hot to the touch as I type. The thought of focused attention on me makes me sweat.
How does an introvert celebrate when the focus is on her? It’s a puzzler. :/
I’m truly my happiest when I am serving and listening to and just spending time with people I love. Some of that is my nature, but most of that is because it is the foundation of my life for the last quarter century. I actually love being the supporter, sweeper, sherpa, etc., and when that flips, I’m unsteady.
As I try to figure out this puzzle, I know that in order to serve these people well tomorrow, I’m going to have to figure out how to receive their celebration and this focus on me.
I also know that I am called to thankfulness and boldness and rejoicing. I don’t honor anyone by pulling the covers over my head and pretending that it is just another day.
This is the day that the Lord has made. I WILL rejoice and be glad in it. My chief purpose is to glorify God and ENJOY Him forever. If I wake up tomorrow…. On my birthday…. That is a blessing.
Instead of wishing me a happy birthday, Please notice the people in your life who celebrate you. Thank them and rejoice in this day. It is a gift that has been given to you. XOXO