It’s the first day of summer.
It’s a fresh new beginning.
A time to relax and reflect on the ending time
Of hard work,
And a completed job well done,
But it feels wrong to celebrate
When the race hasn’t been won.
I feel like I’m still running,
But there’s no real race pace.
How can I rest or re-start
When I don’t know my place?
How can Summer begin
When spring didn’t seem to happen?
I’m missing the sound
the crowd swells lead cheers in.
I’ve been told to go out;
It’s probably safe.
The world needs me to activate.
They’ve opened the gates.
But I’ve practiced isolation, deprivation and restraining,
How do I break down these walls I’ve been diligently erecting?
It’s the first day of summer.
I want it to be.
Every year before, I’ve known I was free
Of the routine I signed up for
Where I strived to achieve
I worked and I toiled;
I was ready for reprieve.
Repreive came too early.
I’m not sure what to do.
Does this weird spring carry on
And add more down time too?
On the first day of summer we always grilled out
We shopped for new swim stuff
And threw alarms out…..
But they’ve been off for a while
Except for the ones in my head.
Is it safe to go out?
Are we still counting the dead?
It’s the first day of summer
Will this lead into fall?
Can I pick up the pace
Or does that endanger us all?
I feel so unsteady,
But who CAN understand?
The people with strong opinions make such strong demands.
The decisions I’ve made are the best I know to do,
And still they wound some and validate other peoples truth.
It’s the first day of summer,
But no toes in the sand
My sand is still shifting.
There’s much I don’t understand.
The one thing I do know and will doggedly cling to
My God is my Father and He’s asked me to lean into
The truth that He’s with me.
He’s not a little surprised.
The sand that is shifting has not escaped His eyes.
He made summer.
He knows it’s the first day.
This day is a blink in His timeline-
He will never sway
From His promise to be faithful.
He will stick to the end.
In the thick of my confusion,
He still calls me “friend”.
It’s the first day of summer-
No toes in the sand
The sand that I’m missing
Was made by the hand
Of the God of all creation
And His thoughts toward me
Outnumber the grains of every sand by the sea
His Power continues
As waves crash on that sand
And that will always be true
On every wet and dry land
On the first day of summer.
“How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand.
When I awake, I am still with You.” Psalm 139:17-18
“Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.”
Proverbs 30:5