memphis bridge 1

No Place Like Home

By | Memphis | No Comments

One year ago this week, I was on a mission trip in Belize. I was the sickest I had ever been in my life. The lack of AC and indoor plumbing only exacerbated my yuck. I was ineffective as a missionary and an added responsibility for my team. I wanted to go home. Home is a refuge, resting and re-fueling place. It is such a special spot for everyone. It is filled with things that make us comfortable. We stock it with treasures that are beautiful to us. We clean and maintain it and pay the bills. We create memories of love and laughter that leave an imprint on our hearts and shape our identity. There is no place like home.

I take pride in the fact that I am a homemaker. I enjoy maintaining it. I have a long list of hopes and plans for this house. I describe myself as a homemaker. Recently, I discovered that God identifies himself as a homemaker. He walked with Adam and Eve in the garden-home he created. He gave explicit instructions on how to build the temple in the Old Testament, and he dwelled in it. He takes up residence in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, and He has gone to prepare a place for us in Heaven that we can’t begin to accurately imagine.

It fills me with an endearing joy that my love for building my home reflects the character of God. Our creator is so tender to fill us with a desire to be like Him. He has also promised us that our time here is temporary and for those who love Him, our eternal home will be spectacular. I long for the day to come when I will no longer sin or see the effects of sin on my home and in the world. I long to see Jesus face to face and know Him fully, even as he knows me fully now. I long to praise and worship him in the home he has prepared for me…… Oh what a day that will be! Lord Jesus, come quickly!

Blessed be your glorious name, and may it be exalted above all blessing and praise. 6 You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you. Nehemiah 9:6 (NIV)


Loving M2

By | Dear Sons & Daughters | No Comments

In 2001, we set out to adopt a little Russian girl. We were scared, and our fright was heightened when we met our 8lb….11 month old. She was glassy-eyed and silent for our first 24 hours together, but things changed dramatically. About 12 hours before we boarded our Aeroflot-can in the sky trip home, we learned the little Russian had lungs. In fact everyone within a ½ mile of this new Nelson family learned it quite well. She was inconsolable and was the aeronautical disturbance that you are not warned about, but often disconcerted by while flying. Soon after take off, our Russian flight attendant came to our aisle, and literally grabbed her out of Pat’s arms. We were alarmed and shocked, and although the seat belt sign was still on, Pat got up and followed the brazen flight attendant and screaming tiny Russian down the aisle. With gestures, tears and smiles and loads of confidence, the flight attendant communicated that she was trying to soothe the baby. She knew the language that M2 was used to hearing. She knew that she could communicate to our child in a way we didn’t understand.

Lately, I have found my self (figuratively) screaming and crying, because I don’t understand. Life continues to take all of us out of a world that we have grown used to and thrust new and foreign experiences and people on us that freak us out. I totally identify with my tiny screaming Russian, because I’m so quick to forget that what I am in the middle of is actually a GREAT thing. I have to trust that the Father who adopted me, loves me and has so much He wants to show me and bless me with. I also know that when I am distraught or scared, I have an “attendant” who knows what I need. My helper, the Holy Spirit, speaks the language and intercedes for me. He groans for me, encourages me and when I don’t even know how to pray, takes up my case for me. Dear friends, we are family. We have been adopted by the best father ever, and no matter how confusing or scary life seems to be, we have hope and a holy adversary who understands our hurt, grabs us up, embraces us and speaks the very language we need to hear. Be comforted as you listen to His voice.

Likewise the Spirit helps us in weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” Romans 8:26 (NKJV)


Peanut-Free Flight

By | Agape Love | No Comments

“Attention Ladies and Gentlemen, this Delta flight today is peanut-free”.

This announcement preceded all the other announcements on one of my recent flights. On our flight was an unaccompanied minor who was fatally allergic to peanuts and therefore, none of us would receive the tiny packets of peanuts that I always look forward to, nor could anyone open up their PB&J’s or Nutter Butters, or peanut M&M’s. There would be zero tolerance of peanuts of any sort on this flight. This announcement was serious. No one wanted to witness or contribute to the horror of an unaccompanied minor going into anaphylactic shock while trapped on a plane 30,000 feet above the ground. It was a life or death issue and everyone appreciated the severity of this allergy. This warning was a new one to me, but only new in its specificity and location.

We get warnings all the time concerning things that can kill. Don’t smoke. Stay out of the sun. Don’t text and drive. “Don’t drink, don’t chew, don’t go with girls who do.”. We have learned what is dangerous and what can kill us and we change our habits and guide our children to stay off of these fatal paths. I am quite certain that none of you take your young children to tanning beds. We see the statistics and believe in the results, and so we adhere to the new course, but I wonder why we (esp. Catherine) are not equally as vigilant to close the proverbial airplane door to sin in our lives. Have we not been warned?

Jesus said in Matthew 5:29 (NIV) “If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

Of course, I realize that we are not to go and gouge our eyes out, but why don’t we see sin for the fatal toxin that it is? Worse than a peanut to an allergic child, we consume sin and let it dizzy us, cloud our vision, make us sick and faint, nauseate us, irritate us like a rash, take the wind out of our lungs, unbalance our heartbeat and slowly choke us. We can recognize our sin as easily as we can recognize a peanut, but have we become so anesthetized to God’s grace and patience that we don’t see the danger of our sin? We must not even allow it in the door. We are all going to sin and fail and fail again until we are in heaven and perfect like Jesus, but until that day, this same Jesus has given us the eyes to see our sin and the power to overcome it. In his grace and mercy, Jesus reveals it to us and only by his grace are we able to turn from it. Oh how I pray that I would be as allergic to sin as that child is to peanuts. I know that while I am sojourning here, the father who set me on this journey has not left me unaccompanied. He is with me and will continue to help me recognize the danger and give me the victory to overcome



By | Agape Love | No Comments

Before dinner last night, we asked one of our teenagers to ask the blessing for our food. It was a pretty standard, straight to the point blessing, and as she closed, she rushed through the phrase, “In Jesus’s name, Amen” without a breath or pause. In listening to her lack of thought, I was convicted about my own response to the name of Jesus.

Jesus is the Son of God. His death on the cross gave me life. He took on all of my sins. He gave me the full measure of himself in the Holy Spirit. Through the power of his name, miracles happen and blessings abound. His name offends and delivers peace. It is only through the name of Jesus that we can approach the throne of God. There is power in the name of Jesus and it is his name that makes our prayers powerful. One day every knee will bow and tongue will confess that He is Lord. Oh the praise and glory that we should offer in the name of Jesus.

I have the huge responsibility of setting an example for my children. I am certain that my own rushed prayers set the model for the style of prayer that I heard at our table last night. I am so thankful for the wake up call that prayer gave me, and for the grace that covers my poor example. I am also so very thankful that God uses my children to teach me lessons all the time as He does the exhaustive work of sanctifying me.

All hail the power of Jesus’ name!
Let angels prostrate fall;
bring forth the royal diadem,
and crown him Lord of all. Edward Perronet 1779

“For He who is mighty has done great things for me,And holy is His name.” Luke 1:49 (NKJV)


This Changes Everything

By | Dear Sons & Daughters | No Comments

I had a plan that began in Jr. High. When I would play the category game, “MASH”, I listed “Memphis” as one of the places I wanted to live, “John Schneider” (aka Bo Duke) as a man I might marry, and “meteorologist” as one of my desired occupations. I have long since graduated from Jr. High, but I continue to build lists and dreams of what my life should and could look like. My wish lists include ways I think my children should spend their time, use their talents and build their brand. These kids, for the most part, have had different ideas about their future. Their paths and mine continue to take sharp turns and fly off ramps into new directions, but the constant and steadiest hope in my life has been Jesus. I just want Him and I want to know him and be ready to follow him on whatever path he points out to me.

This has been one of the hardest years I have lived… and I have been studying the Old Testament for the entire year. I have been aching for some Jesus, and yesterday, as I turned the page to the New Testament, my heart burst with joy and goose bumps covered my arms as I soaked up the fullness of studying our long-expected Jesus. I was so blessed to read about Zechariah and Elizabeth who had their plans and dreams denied for decades. They ached for children and prayed for the opportunity to pass on their legacy. They served the Lord and lived in eager anticipation for the Messiah to arrive.

They received the stunning news from Gabriel that they would indeed become parents, and their boy would prepare the way for the long-expected Jesus. Zechariah doubted, and as a result, was struck deaf and mute. When Elizabeth delivered their miracle baby, all her God-fearing, well-meaning friends were set to celebrate their opportunity to live out their legacy dream, but when these friends pressed her about the name of the child, Elizabeth and Zechariah were firm in their resolve that the child’s name would not be Zechariah or any other family name; this child will be called “John”. (Luke 1:11-63)

The plan for this baby was a huge surprise to his parents, and their choice of a name was confusing to their religious friends, but Zechariah and Elizabeth were obedient and faithful as they waited for the promised messiah. They were students of God’s word and faithful to his calling. Good people, who tried to help Zechariah and Elizabeth make a reasonable decision, surrounded them but Zechariah and Elizabeth knew that the only decision was to obey God’s word. They knew that God’s word alone is the spiritual food that nourishes. There is no substitute.

Zechariah wrote, “His name is John.” And instantly, he could speak again, and he began praising God. Awe fell on the whole neighborhood. Luke 1:63b-65a (NLT)

Life often doesn’t make sense and the dreams we hold so tightly to can change in a blink, but Jesus is constant and awaiting his return is our thrilling and certain hope. Putting our hope in Him and trusting him when things make no sense is the only way to keep our feet and purpose sure. The loving and well-meaning voices of your neighbors and family and friends are not enough. Devotionals and well-written blogs are not enough. We must be students of God’s word. Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. He is our firm foundation. Our long-expected Messiah will return, and as we obediently wait, we get to witness the miracles and kept promises he never fails to deliver.


Scarecrows in a Cucumber Field

By | Agape Love | One Comment

For a long time, I was shackled to an addiction. In every sense of the definition, my addiction became an idol. I thought about it often. I kept it a secret and it stole my peace and joy. It also offered a level of comfort and satisfaction that I had been fooled into believing I needed. I convinced myself that it wasn’t a big deal, because it specifically had never been preached on, featured in a news story or profiled in a documentary on TLC. Most of you would have told me it was no big deal, because indulging in it didn’t hurt anyone, BUT….It was a big deal, because I recognized the hold it had on me and I chose not to do anything about it. I believed I needed it. I convinced myself that it didn’t really matter to God…. BUT, sin is a big deal to God and when we recognize sin in our lives and don’t turn from it, that separates us from intimacy with Him, and in the words of Nemo, “that is a really big But(t)!”

Our adversary, the devil is brilliant. He is so good at filling our minds with lies. He distracts us from the truth and inoculates us by minimizing the destructiveness of idol worship. Tim Keller defines idolatry as “anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give…”

Idols are addictive and can take almost any form. Idols in any form are as useless as scarecrows in a cucumber field. Jer. 10:5.

Jeremiah 10 is all about idolatry and its destructiveness. If you are struggling with something you are aware is an idol, take 5 minutes to read this chapter and see how destructive idols can be, and recognize that “The God of Israel is no Idol! He is the creator of everything that exists, including Israel (and YOU), his own special possession. The Lord of Heaven’s armies is his name.” Jer 10:16. Your God is a mighty warrior and leads heaven’s armies in this battle. You are His special possession and you are worth fighting for!

I am so very thankful that the Holy Spirit has been relentless in showing me truth. As much as Satan tries to minimize the destructive nature of my behavior, God in his mercy opens my ears to the prodding of his Spirit and my heart when I study His word. He is worthy to be praised and the only one worth worshiping.

So, Why are scarecrows in a cucumber field useless? The reason for having a scarecrow in a garden is to scare off the crows. Crows see the vegetables and swoop down to eat them, but crows cannot see the cucumbers. Cucumbers are one of the few things that I grow, and their leaves are huge. These leaves serve as a canopy that hide all the cucumbers. From the vantage point of a crow, my garden is a bunch of big leaves. Crows aren’t tempted to eat leaves, and so there is no need to scare them off. Any idol in your life is a pretender. It seems important to you, but if you remove it, you will find that God has already provided something much more effective in its place. Take the stupid scarecrow off its throne and worship the Lord of Heaven’s army!


Funny Puppy

By | Kevin | No Comments

If being the parents of 4 teenagers was not enough, Pat Nelson and I are also the proud parents of 2 Golden retrievers. The younger dog is such a funny puppy. Our canine baby is a “White Golden” named Kevin. SHE makes me laugh every day. My husband insists that she is the worst dog ever, but she is truly a 90 lb. bundle of joy.

Jimmy Buffet got it right when he reminded us hat “If we couldn’t laugh, we’d all go insane.” Here is hoping that Kevin’s antics will put a smile on your face and help you find your sanity.


I Hate Mom!

By | Dear Sons & Daughters | One Comment

I actually really love my mom. She is one of my best friends and we talk almost every day, but back in the 80’s, my mom was parenting 4 teenagers and she was exposed to our foolish hate. Whether it was voiced to sisters or friends or carved in the dining room table, she was wounded by our hateful declarations.

This week, Pat and I had to lay down the law with one of our teens. This was not the first week that I got to read or hear “I hate mom!”, but it never feels real good. It was funnier when the words were delivered from a toddler who wasn’t allowed 3 cupcakes for dinner, but it becomes less amusing when it comes from a semi-adult. I know many of you cannot identify with this wound, but I bet many more of you can. We love to be loved and cherished and receive mother’s day cards telling us we are wonderful. Pat’s favorite coffee mug is his “World’s #1 dad” mug.

Almost every time I have to learn a hard “Mom” lesson, I also learn more about my Heavenly Father’s love for me. God has lavishly poured gifts all over me. My future and hope is so bright and beautiful, but when He says “No” to my petitions or teaches me through discipline, I pout and rant and don’t want to spend time with Him. I am guilty of acting like a petulant child who didn’t get her cupcakes. My Heavenly Father loves me so much. He has given me so much more than I ever dreamed of giving my children, and I know my selfishness and shortsightedness wounds Him.

If I love Him, I will keep His commandments (John 14:15-NIV) If I love Him, I will feed his sheep. (John: 21 16-NIV) I cannot love God and hate my brother (1 John . 4:20-NIV). I love my Heavenly Father and the thought of wounding Him breaks my heart.

The painful blow I received from one of my own this week is a reason to rejoice. Once again, God is teaching me His love for me by entrusting me with children of my own. Whether this lesson is persecution or a reminder of my own sin, it is a reason to rejoice. God teaches and disciplines those He loves. He is the perfect model for parenting and I am so beautifully blessed that He claims me as His daughter. Today is a day for all of us to rejoice and learn and look for ways to show Him how much we love Him.

Oh dear brothers and sisters, Rejoice. Our Father is quick to forgive and loves embracing you in is strong and unfailing arms.

mountain climbing

Mountain Climbing

By | Agape Love | No Comments

About a year ago, Pat and I had the opportunity to climb a mountain. It was grueling and exhausting and exciting. As we climbed, there were sections of the mountain that He would have to hoist me up, because I could not find a foothold. The further we went, the harder it was to breathe and we had to rest and hydrate more. When we finished the climb and enjoyed the view, I knew I could not have made it without him.

This year, I have been climbing a figurative mountain. It has been grueling and with every step I strain to see the pinnacle and pine to be finished. I have had a climbing buddy to encourage and march along with me. She has been by my side as we hoisted each other up and rested and hydrated on God’s word. This week, she was removed from the mountain. As her figurative rescue helicopter swooped in, I was left alone, and as happy as I am for her to have finished, the isolation and journey ahead without her is painful.

After having a pretty grand pity party, and after I wiped my tears and got on my knees, I was so encouraged by the only ONE who will never leave me. I had been finding my confidence and comfort in my climbing buddy instead of the one who created the Mountain. I need HIM every step of the climb. I cannot make it without him.

Oh sweet friends, we are all climbing mountains. The creator who fashioned the mountains also fashioned you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and you are never alone. He calls you His beloved! Keep marching. Hydrate on his word. Rest in the safety of His everlasting arms. Rejoice in the shadow of his wings. You may be tempted to quit or give up, but remember this:

“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” 1 Cor. 10:13. (NLT)