Yesterday was a great day. Pat and I grabbed our favorite Starbuck’s Christmas drinks on the way to church. As usual, we sat on the 3rd row for worship while being flanked by 3 of our 4 children. We were filled with joy as we all sang Christmas hymns and then enjoyed a great belly laugh during the children’s sermon. We were comforted during the sermon as we were reminded of the passion God has for each of us displayed in His plan of dwelling among us. Sunday School involved sweet fellowship and more great teaching. A yummy family lunch out was followed by naps, TV by the fire and a fun conversation with our oldest off at college, but as evening set in, the mood began to change.
Very soon after hanging up with our oldest daughter, she texted that she feels homesick. Our son expressed anxiety about the week ahead and the sorrow over the death of a favorite teacher this past weekend. Our middle daughter is swimming in exam stress and our youngest has been wounded by the all too familiar world of middle school girl crud. Every week Sunday night fades into Monday morning and with the flip of a calendar page our focus habitually shifts from a healthy, restful and happy focus to a hurried, challenged and myopic concentration. Yesterday our lives were filled with heaps of learning, joy, rest and fellowship around the table, and today began with stacks of bills, piles of laundry and homework and the fear of no one to sit with in the cafeteria. It is so natural to feel the presence of God on Sunday, but when busyness and heartache cross our threshold why do we not remember the God of Mondays?
Last night, I held our youngest in my lap as I wiped away her tears. She is confused and convinced that something is tragically wrong about her. ( *** 8th grade sucks. It always has and I am quite certain it always will. I know that 99% of you women who can remember 8th grade will agree***) Holding her and having the beautiful privilege of loving her and filling the air around her with truth instead of lies was precious. I told her that Jesus understands all her pain and that He was rejected too. I told her how He is collecting her tears and how precious each of her tears is to Him. I told her that He would never leave her. I reminded her of how much her Dad and siblings and I love her. I showed her scripture where God tells her that He is strong enough to carry her and hold her tightly and protect her. He is a refuge from all her storms and He calls her beautiful. I promised her that it will be OK, even though it hurts so badly right now…. And she smiled and believed me, but that was on Sunday and she feels alone today. She needs the God of Mondays.
I totally understand. I know in my heart that God, the King of Kings adores me. He delights in me and I am His treasured possession. I am keenly aware of these declarations during my quiet time, but when I get off my knees, shut my journal and close my Bible, it takes less than a minute for my focus to turn sour. I get downwardly distracted by chores, people, email, phone calls and even my dog. It is so easy to forget what is important on Monday.
God’s truth is the same on Sunday as it is on Monday. His love and compassion are the same. He has just as much joy and peace and time for us. His mercies are new every morning. He is the same God as He was yesterday and He will be tomorrow too. He is the God of Sundays and He is the God of Mondays.
My youngest daughter will have to be purposeful in remembering the truth. Stressing out and feeling inadequate come much more naturally, but just because it feels natural to believe you are unlovely does not make it true. I love Jesus so much and I love how faithful He is to keep teaching me. Today, I love Him for reminding me how much He values being the God of Mondays. He declares His role as comforter and refuge and protector. I hope each of you have a beautiful Monday. Please, even in the middle of you manic Monday, be purposeful to remember how much God loves you. He delights in you and calls you His precious treasure.
“The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV)
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)
“The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” Deuteronomy 33:27 (NIV)
“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26 (NIV)