I was so anxious and distracted during my quiet time this morning. Yesterday I picked up some forms that the doctor had filled out on one of my kids. It was a really standard yearly physical form and for some reason, and for the first time ever, the medical professional filling it out filled in an extra note in the column of “ any other medical concerns”. The diagnosis, although accurate, is one I never include or talk about. This kid isn’t perfect, but there are ZERO medical concerns and this label should not have been included. I really fretted and stewed over it. I considered buying some liquid paper and erasing and reprinting it. I considered calling the doctor for a “do-over”. I felt a responsibility to my kid to help control the environment that the kid would be entering into. No one needed to believe or make judgments about my child because of this salacious medical label.
I tried to meditate on God’s word, but I couldn’t quit thinking about that embarrassing label on the medical form. It completely overshadowed everything else that is excellent about my child and I needed it to be fixed. I gave up on my quiet time and called the place that had required the medical form.
After introducing myself, I explained that I needed to talk to someone about the medical forms. I told her that I didn’t know how to disclose my question without being completely vulnerable, and with tears, I laid out the whole ugly truth. The precious woman on the phone listened and then filled my ears with the sweetest answer. She told me to scratch it out.
With a quickened step, I raced to the kitchen and dug the black sharpie out of the junk drawer and thoroughly and completely scratched it out. No one will ever be able to see that label or designate that diagnosis to my kid. It is as if it never existed.
With a calmed spirit, I returned to my quiet time and the beauty and magnitude of what happened flattened me. You and I have pages of columns filled in with the worst diagnoses. Each horrible diagnosis is accurate. The most embarrassing, evil, dangerous truths of who we are mar our perfect forms. When we try to present a perfect and healthy self before a Holy God, we are in serious trouble. You and I are sick and sinful and we cannot clean it up with liquid paper, but the glorious truth is this: Jesus takes it all on for us. The Son of God came to earth to suffer and take on all your embarrassing labels and horrible sins. Beautiful Jesus became sin for you and me. He took all your sins to the cross and left them in the pit of hell. Your ugly has been completely scratched out with a divine black sharpie. Even better…. Your form is perfect. Jesus imputed his glorious righteousness to you and to me. Your heavenly Father sees his perfect son when He looks at you. Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain. He washed it white as snow.
Happy Easter, Friends! He is Risen, Indeed!
“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21 (NIV)
“When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.” Colossians 2:13-14 (NIV)
I wish I had known….. you poor dear !
I never mark “arthritis ,cancer or senility “on my forms….
and I recall Dad writing only ” tonsillectomy ” on the line of any surgeries …. AFTER most of his colon was removed… and he was beginning chemo.
we all think we are pretty normal….