Beauty, Precision and Detail

By January 30, 2015 Agape Love No Comments

Pat and I spent this week in Marco Island, Florida. It was a sweet time for us as a couple to enjoy each other and catch up with friends while Pat had business meetings. Because Pat’s days were filled with meetings, I had lots of time to be alone and walk on the beach. I love walking on the beach and never miss the chance to seize the opportunity. I had to bundle up for my beach walks this week. It was cool and very windy. The locals kept apologizing for the terrible weather. Apparently, they are used to calm seas with high temperatures in the 80’s in January.

You could see and hear the white caps from our room. The waves were big, constant and aggressive and they ushered in tons of shells. We have been blessed as a family to travel to the beach every year, but our favorite family beach does not have shells. The shoreline in Marco Island was littered with them. You couldn’t take half a step without seeing starfish, sand dollars, conch shells, sea urchins and more. I started collecting the treasures and sat down to examine and admire all of them. The purple sea urchin was my favorite. The pattern on it was so precise and balanced. The color was vibrant and the detailed design was delightful. As uncomfortable as the cold and strong wind was, it was the vehicle that propelled the waves to rise, crash and disturb the sea floor. The effect of the wind brought in gems from the ocean, and allowed me the privilege of shell study and admiration. I discovered newfound beauty in the middle of an unbridled windstorm, and I was so blessed by it.

Knowing what I do about God, I know He created things for His pleasure and purpose. He made that purple sea urchin because it delighted Him to do so. He delighted in showing His godliness to me this week as I discovered the shell. I was able to praise Him for being a God who loves beauty, precision and detail. I was reminded about how every detail matters to Him and nothing escapes His attention, surprises Him or is beyond His control. He is powerful, and He is also beautifully intimate.

God often uses the powerful, aggressive and threatening storms in our life to show us something intimately beautiful. When we are swept up in the middle of an unbridled windstorm, the waves push us to our knees and propel us to study. We discover and are deeply comforted by “The God who sees” during these times. When the atmosphere is calm and mostly sunny, we don’t tend to stop and examine things; we mindlessly amble along, burning calories while singing a happy tune. There is such a sweetness in the storm that we don’t see unless we are in the middle of it. It seems that most of the time, we tend to wait for the storm to pass before we start praising God. We feel like we need an outcome in order to offer praise, but God didn’t tell us to wait for the rainbow to begin praising Him. He tells us to “Be Still and know that He is God.” We are the ones who are to be still; the storm doesn’t need to still….we do. We must be purposeful in the praising; we should look for the magnificent and delicate sea urchin while the wind is still roaring.

God has always used the powerful and aggressive to remind people that He is God. Windstorms are in His wheelhouse.

In Exodus 6-10, God told and showed Moses that Pharaoh, the Israelites and Egyptians would know that He was God as He displayed His power through plagues. In the desert, God heard the Israelites complaining and wanted them to know He was God by giving them manna every day (Exodus 16). God purposed his Lordship by showing Joshua and the Israelites that He is God when He led them across the Jordan River (Joshua 3).

God’s purpose for us is to know Him, glorify Him and enjoy Him. He is powerful to rescue us from plagues and He is merciful to provide us the manna and sustenance we need to survive in the desert. He goes before us when our enemies are ready to attack. He is the God who sees and He is powerful enough to subdue the wind, and tender enough to deliver gifts of beauty to brighten our day. Sometimes His most precious treasures are washed right up to our feet in the middle of our fiercest storms. Oh dear friends, take a minute to be still and praise Him for who He is and for everything He is doing.

“Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10 (NKJV)

“How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand;” Psalm 139:17-18 (NKJV)

“O Lord God of hosts,
Who is mighty like You, O Lord?
Your faithfulness also surrounds You. You rule the raging of the sea;
When its waves rise, You still them.” Psalm 89:8-9 (NKJV)


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