Mountain Climbing

By February 14, 2014 Agape Love No Comments
mountain climbing

About a year ago, Pat and I had the opportunity to climb a mountain. It was grueling and exhausting and exciting. As we climbed, there were sections of the mountain that He would have to hoist me up, because I could not find a foothold. The further we went, the harder it was to breathe and we had to rest and hydrate more. When we finished the climb and enjoyed the view, I knew I could not have made it without him.

This year, I have been climbing a figurative mountain. It has been grueling and with every step I strain to see the pinnacle and pine to be finished. I have had a climbing buddy to encourage and march along with me. She has been by my side as we hoisted each other up and rested and hydrated on God’s word. This week, she was removed from the mountain. As her figurative rescue helicopter swooped in, I was left alone, and as happy as I am for her to have finished, the isolation and journey ahead without her is painful.

After having a pretty grand pity party, and after I wiped my tears and got on my knees, I was so encouraged by the only ONE who will never leave me. I had been finding my confidence and comfort in my climbing buddy instead of the one who created the Mountain. I need HIM every step of the climb. I cannot make it without him.

Oh sweet friends, we are all climbing mountains. The creator who fashioned the mountains also fashioned you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and you are never alone. He calls you His beloved! Keep marching. Hydrate on his word. Rest in the safety of His everlasting arms. Rejoice in the shadow of his wings. You may be tempted to quit or give up, but remember this:

“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” 1 Cor. 10:13. (NLT)

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